fbs link

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Happy New Year everyone.

Robot Contra : USD100
Robot Supergreen : USD100

open account at this link https://fbs.com/?ppu=1949

to order, email to mygold11@yahoo.com, provide your mt4 trading account number and let me know if it is a 4 decimals or 5 decimals account.

I will put in the money you paid for the robot into a trade account and will share the profit with you on monthly basis. the profit will be transferred to your fbs trade account that is registered through my link above. 

FBS-Real-8 78.140.238:443

Selamat tahun baru sema.

Robot Contra : USD100
Robot Supergreen : USD100

buka accoun trade fbs di link saya ini https://fbs.com/?ppu=1949

untuk memesan robot, email ke mygold11@yahoo.com, berikan maklumat nombor trading account anda.

Saya akan meletakkan wang bayaran robot ke dalam akaun trading saya dan berkongsi hasil keuntungannya bersama anda. keuntungannya akan dimasukkan ke dalam acc trading fbs yg anda register melalui link saya yang diberikan di atas.